- Worked on H&M punchlist items not related to fiber placement or splicing (Ellsworth PON)
- Met with contractor doing Blind Lake crossing (Bruin PON)
- Spliced 11 home drops (totals to date: 195 spliced – 89 in Werkner PON, 66 in Island Lake PON and 40 in Central Office PON)
- Completed 4 new home self-installations (totals to date: 172 with broadband – 87 in Werkner PON, 63 in Island Lake PON and 22 in Central Office PON)
- Move forward with new steps for Blind Lake crossing (Bruin PON)
- Continue H&M punchlist items not related to fiber placement or splicing (Ellsworth PON)
- Install remaining pedestals and finish road crossings on Ellsworth Lake Road (Ellsworth PON)
- Re-install 1.25 miles of fiber on Boyce Road (Boyce PON)
- Reconfigure and/or repair splicing and pedestal prep in Central Office PON on North Territorial Road, east of M-52
- Begin to reconfigure and/or repair splicing and pedestal prep in Boyce PON
- Begin to splice home drops in Boyce PON
- Work with home owners on viable home self-installations
- Mainline Boring
- Mainline Fiber Installation
- Drop Installation (bringing fiber cable from the road to the side of each home)
- Home Installation (bringing fiber into you home and attaching to network router)
Here is the current status for zones or PONS that are in progress.
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installations complete
Home Installations 98% (87) complete
(Note: Remaining 2 home installations are not ready for service)
89 Subscribers
Island Lake
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installations complete
Home Installations 94% (63) complete
(Note: Remaining 4 home installations are either not ready for service or additional drop work needed)
67 Subscribers
Central Office
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installations 92% (81) complete
Home Installations 25% (22) complete
88 Subscribers
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installations complete
127 Subscribers
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installation 3% (3) complete
114 Subscribers
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 49% complete
40 Subscribers
Long Lake
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 64% complete
80 Subscribers
Wild Goose
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 16% complete
45 Subscribers
Mainline Boring 97% complete (Blind Lake crossing)
52 Subscribers
Mainline Boring complete
58 Subscribers
Mainline Boring 98% complete (Ellsworth Lake Road – pedestal installation and remaining road crossings)
90 Subscribers